beyond ceasefire: move towards a demand for justice with funders4palestine

Funders for a Ceasefire Now

Update, Oct 2024

Dear Colleagues in Philanthropy,

When we published our original call for a ceasefire last year, the current death toll of more than 41,000 people in Gaza was unfathomable. Over 16,000 Palestinian children have been killed, their bodies crushed by bombs or pierced by sniper fire. The Lancet, a prestigious medical journal, reports “it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186,000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict.” More than 700 Palestinians in the West Bank have been killed over the past year, and more than 1,200 Israelis have been killed, the vast majority on Oct. 7 of last year. As these casualty figures continue to climb, Israel has expanded its war into Lebanon, where the current death toll of 1,800 people is climbing every day. Approximately 100 Israeli hostages remain in Gaza, and more than 9,400 Palestinians are held captive, in some cases facing waterboarding, sleep deprivation, electric shocks, and other forms of torture and mistreatment. Israeli soldiers are now on the ground in southern Lebanon as its military bombs Yemen and prepares to ramp up attacks on Iran following months of escalation. In the absence of a ceasefire agreement, the regional war we all feared is now unfolding.

While we might try to look away, feeling helpless, we must not. Millions of civilians in the region are counting on our attention and solidarity at this very moment. Many of us are responding to calls to defend democracy and fight fascism here, in the U.S. But we cannot fight fascism in one country while enabling it in another. The interconnected world we live in today demands a morally consistent approach to state violence and authoritarianism. The same weapons, technology, and policies used to surveil, silence and kill people in one territory will surely be used against those in another.

Our sector’s ability to function is now in danger, as some members of Congress have resorted to intimidating and smearing foundations and nonprofits that support the human rights of Palestinians. We must stand united against politically-motivated attempts to strip organizations of their tax-exempt status with no due process – moves that imperil the health of our society and democracy. Make no mistake: every new law and policy enacted to silence those who defend Palestinian lives will be replicated to silence people speaking out against other forms of injustice. Each repressive policy and action we allow to pass is a marker on the road to dismantling democracy.

As funders, there are a number of ways we can meet this moment:

  1. Sign the Philanthropy Open Letter for Humanity and Justice calling for an immediate ceasefire and the halting of arms transfers to Israel. If you have already signed on, organize others to sign. The UK and Canada recently announced limited bans on arms exports to Israel, following similar moves by Belgium, Italy, and Spain, and Germany has paused arms shipments in response to humanitarian legal challenges. These are steps in the right direction, and long overdue. But for arms restrictions to play a meaningful role in de-escalating violence in the Middle East, it is the U.S. government, Israel’s main supplier of offensive weapons, that must step up to the plate. The U.S. has continued to provide arms despite findings by USAID and the State Department refugees bureau that Israel likely used U.S. weapons in a manner inconsistent with international humanitarian law and is preventing the delivery of U.S.-backed humanitarian aid — a violation of U.S. law that requires the current administration to halt the flow of weapons.
  2. Call on your members of Congress to cut off the endless supply of U.S. weapons and military funding to Israel.
  3. Urge House Speaker Mike Johnson and House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries to oppose H.R. 9495, legislation that would empower the executive branch to strip non-profit organizations’ tax-exempt status without due process. Let them know you support the ACLU sign-on letter co-signed by more than 120 civil liberties, religious, immigrant rights, human rights, racial justice, LGBTQ+, environmental, and educational organizations.
  4. Divest your portfolios from companies profiting from the destruction of life – not only in Palestine but anywhere in the world. We must avoid fueling the very industries harming the communities we work so hard to serve.
  5. Mobilize resources for Palestinian organizations that are literally saving lives, as well as for those taking action to stop the genocide. Every grant and donation makes a difference. See here for a list of funds to consider, or contribute to the In Our Name campaign, launched by Jewish leaders and organizers in philanthropy.
  6. Join the Funders for Palestine community and visit their online resources and social media toolkit.

We are moved beyond words by the courage of Palestinian communities who continue – in the face of such horrifying realities – to center collective humanity, social justice, and life itself. We are also deeply inspired by each of you who has chosen to take a stand, often at some level of personal or organizational risk. It means a great deal to continue collaborating with our peers in philanthropy toward a common purpose in this critical moment.

Funders for a Ceasefire Now

Philanthropy Open Letter for Humanity and Justice

Nov 2023

We are institutional funders, individual donors and philanthropy professionals who are heartbroken and grieving the tragic loss of life in Palestine and Israel. Between October 7, 2023, and October 1, 2024, more than 42,000 Palestinians in Gaza and 1,139 Israelis have been killed.* In Gaza, this includes nearly 16,500 children. With every passing minute, we are losing more human lives – people with families and hopes, who once loved and dreamed.

And we fear for what is to come if the vilolence continues. As the total siege on Gaza prevents essential life-giving resources from entering, families are running out of food and water. UN Human Rights Chief Volker Türk said on October 23, “If more aid for Gazans, including fuel, medicine, food and water, does not arrive in days or even hours, many more people in Gaza will die of hunger, thirst and lack of medical care.” People depending on life-saving medications for chronic health conditions are in grave danger. Babies in neonatal intensive care units will die within minutes when hospitals run out of fuel. 5,500 people in their final month of pregnancy may be forced to give birth in the most dire circumstances. Health care workers – including emergency responders – have been bombed as they try to care for the sick and injured, and ambulances are unable to reach the critically injured as fuel supplies dwindle. Over one million people’s homes have been destroyed, and nowhere is safe, not even UN shelters.

Our conscience moves us to speak out - we will not remain silent. We call for:

  1. An immediate ceasefire;
  2. Safe, unimpeded passage of humanitarian aid (including food, water, medicine and fuel), humanitarian organizations, staff and medical professionals into all areas of Gaza in a way that is sufficient and sustained enough to meet the scale of the catastrophe;
  3. Stopping US and European funding and weapons for the Israeli military; and
  4. Adherence to international humanitarian and human rights laws by all parties, including the safe release of all civilians taken hostage from Israel as well as of all Palestinians who have been unlawfully detained.

We call for the US and European governments to stop enabling war crimes through unconditional military support, and for Israel to end its collective punishment of Gaza's 2.3 million residents. There is no military solution to this crisis.

We also take seriously our responsibility to address the root causes of what we see unfolding today — the decades of systematic violence, military occupation and displacement that all Palestinians, especially in Gaza, have experienced at the hands of the Israeli government.

In our own backyards, we are horrified by a recent spike in anti-Palestinian, Islamophobic, and anti-Semitic violence and rhetoric. We are united in challenging all bigotries rooted in white supremacy.

Given our work in philanthropy, we acknowledge the importance of providing immediate funding for emergency response, as well as flexible core funding (without donor-imposed restrictions) to support Palestinian civil society for the long-term.

Social movements are extraordinary in their capacity to respond to violence with steadfastness and imagination and mobilize people to transform oppressive realities. Alongside them, we envision a world where Palestinians live with freedom, dignity, and equality, with true safety for Israeli and Palestinian people and a just peace in the region. In the face of so much pain and suffering, we call forth our deepest sense of humanity and justice, to build this possibility together, because we know that none of us are free until all of us are free.

*These are the numbers as of October 1, 2024. More than 700 Palestinians living in the West Bank, including more than 160 children, have also been killed since October 7 in an alarming escalation of both Israeli military and settler violence.


Initiating group:

  • Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice
  • Black Feminist Fund
  • CLIMA Fund
  • Common Counsel Foundation
  • Cultural Survival
  • EDGE Funders Alliance
  • Emergent Fund
  • Farhad Ebrahimi
  • Fund for Global Human Rights
  • Global Fund for Women
  • Global Greengrants Fund
  • Grassroots International
  • Human Rights Funders Network
  • Jerrod MacFarlane
  • Kolibri Foundation
  • NDN Collective
  • Prospera International Network of Women's Funds
  • Radical Imagination Family Foundation
  • Resource Generation
  • Sagner Family Foundation
  • Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples
  • Social Justice Fund NW
  • Solidaire Action
  • Thousand Currents
  • Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
  • Urgent Action Fund For Feminist Activism
  • We Are Purposeful
  • Women Donors Network

Additional organizational signers (partial list):

  • A.J. Muste Memorial Institute
  • AAPI Civic Engagement Fund
  • African Women's Development Fund
  • AJL Foundation
  • Alianza Socioambiental Fondos del Sur | Global South Alliance of Socio-environmental Funds
  • Amazon Defenders Fund - Amazon Watch
  • American Muslim Community Foundation
  • Appalachian Community Fund
  • Arab Foundations Forum
  • Arc of Justice
  • Arch Community Fund
  • Art Matters Foundation
  • Art.Coop
  • Asfari Foundation
  • aShe Fund
  • Asylum Access
  • Avow Texas
  • Ben & Jerry's Foundation
  • Birth Center Equity
  • Black Belt Community Foundation
  • Black Migrant Power Fund
  • Black Trans Texas Connection
  • BLOOM Charity
  • Blue Sky Social Justice Fund
  • Borealis Philanthropy
  • Both ENDS
  • Buckle Bunnies Fund
  • Calala Women's Fund
  • Capitol Ballroom Council, inc.
  • CarEth
  • Carmack Collective
  • Cast Iron Skillet Fund
  • CEECCNA Collaborative Fund
  • Center for Arab American Philanthropy (CAAP)
  • Channel Foundation
  • Charlottesville Area Community Foundation
  • Chicken & Egg Pictures
  • Children's Rights Innovation Fund (CRIF)
  • Chinook Fund
  • Climate Change Logistics Foundation
  • Closer Than You Think
  • Common Counsel Foundation
  • Communities for Just Schools Fund
  • Conant Family Foundation
  • Conflict Transformation Fund
  • Constellations Culture Change Fund
  • Contigo Fund
  • Corporate Accountability
  • COTA Collective
  • CreateWell Fund
  • Crossroads Fund
  • Cultures of Resistance Network Foundation
  • Cypress Fund
  • Decolonizing Wealth Project & Liberated Capital
  • Digital Defenders Partnership
  • Diverse City Fund
  • Doria Feminist Fund
  • Dr. Bronner's
  • Dr. Bronner's Family Foundation
  • Dunn Family Charitable Foundation
  • Eagles Wings Foundation
  • El Mar Fund
  • Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy
  • Equality Fund
  • Eric Oppenheimer Family Foundation
  • Evans Family Foundation (Chicago)
  • Farbman Family Foundation
  • FemFund Poland
  • Fondation Danielle Miterrand
  • Fondation Marius Jacob
  • Fondo Alquimia
  • Fondo Centroamericano de Mujeres - FCAM
  • Fondo de Mujeres Bolivia Apthapi Jopueti
  • Fondo de Mujeres del Sur
  • Fondo Defensores
  • Fondo Semillas
  • forRefugees
  • Foundation for Middle East Peace
  • FRIDA | The Young Feminist Fund
  • Friends of the Jenin Freedom Theatre
  • Front Line Defenders
  • Funadcion Casa Tres Patios
  • Fund for Democratic Communities
  • Fundacion de Mujeres en Puerto Rico
  • Funders For Justice
  • Funders' Collaborative on Youth Organizing
  • Future Foundations UK
  • G4GC-Grantmakers for Girls of Color
  • Gay for Giving
  • Gender Justice Fund
  • General Service Foundation
  • Global Exchange
  • Global Fund for Community Foundations
  • Global Fund to End Modern Slavery
  • Good Ancestor Movement
  • GRACE Cares
  • Grant Givers' Movement
  • Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees
  • Grantmakers for Southern Progress
  • Grantmakers in the Arts
  • Groundswell Fund
  • Guerrilla Foundation
  • Headwaters Foundation for Justice
  • Her Future Foundation
  • Het Actiefonds
  • Hill-Snowdon Foundation
  • Hive Fund for Climate and Gender Justice
  • Honnold Foundation
  • Howe Family Foundation
  • I.G. Advisors
  • Independence Public Media Foundation
  • Indigenous Women Rising
  • inroads: The International Network for the Reduction of Abortion Discrimination and Stigma
  • Inspirit Foundation
  • Integrated Capital Investing
  • Interconnections Healing Center
  • International Indigenous Women Forum FIMI
  • International Planned Parenthood Federation
  • International Trans Fund
  • Ipas
  • Jerome Foundation
  • Jubitz Family Foundation
  • Jumuiya Women Fund
  • Juniper Roots: Integrated Capital Strategies
  • Justice Funders
  • Justice Outside
  • Kaira fund
  • Karibu Foundation
  • Kataly Foundation
  • Keiyo Women Trust
  • Kindle Project
  • Knodel Foundation
  • Kumi Cultural
  • L'Art Rue / Dream City (Tunis)
  • Lacuna Giving Circle
  • Laidlaw Foundation
  • Leeway Foundation
  • Legalize Drag
  • Liberation Ventures
  • Lynn Handleman Charitable Foundation
  • Mama Cash
  • Manzanita Foundation
  • María Fund Puerto Rico
  • Mariwala Health Initiative
  • Mediterranean Women's Fund
  • Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA)
  • Midwest Access Coalition
  • Move Money Shift Power
  • Movement Strategy Center
  • Ms. Foundation for Women
  • Native Voices Rising
  • Nebula Fund
  • Neighborhood Funders Group
  • Network AID
  • New Breath Foundation
  • New Media Ventures
  • New Moon Network
  • New York Foundation
  • New York Women's Foundation
  • NewMexicoWomen.Org
  • North Star Fund
  • Norwegian Human Rights Fund
  • Numun Fund
  • Pacific Feminist Fund
  • Parable of the Sower Intentional Community Cooperative
  • Parabole Studio
  • Participatory Grantmaking Community
  • Peace Development Fund
  • Peoples Support Foundation
  • Pepita Foundation
  • PFund Foundation
  • Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity (PRE)
  • Piece by Piece Fund
  • Pillars Fund
  • Pink House Fund
  • Platohedro
  • Polden-Puckham Charitable Foundation
  • Pop Culture Collaborative
  • PRBB Foundation
  • Presbyterian Hunger Program (PCUSA)
  • Prince Claus Fund
  • Project Voice Fund
  • Próspera Social
  • Proteus Fund
  • Puente Southwest
  • Queer Mobilization Fund
  • Race, Gender and Human Rights Fund
  • Ralph E. Ogden Foundation
  • Reconstruction Women's Fund
  • Regenerative Economies Organizing Collaborative
  • Regenerosity
  • Resist
  • Revolutionary Woman Global
  • RISE Together Fund (a program of Proteus Fund)
  • Rsls Fund
  • Safe Abortion Action Fund (SAAF)
  • Santa Feanns for Justice in Palestine
  • Seaworthy Fundraising
  • Seeding Justice
  • Semia Feminist Fund
  • Seruni Foundation
  • Social Justice Partners Los Angeles
  • Solidarity 2020 and Beyond
  • Southern Vision Alliance
  • Sparkplug Foundation
  • Sprocket Foundation
  • Stonewall Community Foundation
  • Stronger Together Now
  • Sukuamis
  • Supporting Abortions for Everyone (SAFE)
  • Taproot Fund
  • Tawasul Foundation
  • Tewa
  • The Christopher Reynolds Foundation
  • The Solutions Project
  • Third Wave Fund
  • Tides
  • Tides Network Union
  • Trans Justice Funding Project
  • Trio Foundation
  • Unitarian Universalist Fund for a Just Society
  • Urgent Action Fund for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Urgent Action Fund, Asia & Pacific
  • VidaAfrolatina
  • Violet Jabara Charitable Trust
  • Voice Over Foundation
  • WACC Global
  • War on Want
  • Waymakers Collective
  • Weird Ghosts
  • Willow Fund (formerly Gelman Giving)
  • Women First International Fund
  • Women Win
  • Women's Foundation California
  • Women's Fund Armenia
  • Women's Fund Asia
  • Women's Fund in Georgia
  • Women's Fund of Rhode Island
  • Woods Fund Chicago
  • World Congress of Muslim Philanthropists
  • Youth Climate Justice Fund
  • Zambian Governance Foundation
  • Zusa - Art of Collaboration
  • Episcopal City Mission

Individual philanthropy signers (partial list):

  • A.V.Galvao
  • Aaliyah Nuyen
  • Abbey Weber
  • Abdi Karya
  • Abida Adnan
  • Adam Ratner
  • Adam Roberts
  • Adelaide Park Gomer
  • Adina Constantin
  • Adrian Glover
  • Adriana Loson-Ceballos, PhD
  • Adriana Rodriguez
  • Adrielle Knight
  • Adrienne Skye Roberts, Criminal Justice Funding Consultant
  • Afsana Hye
  • Agantaranansa Juanda
  • Agenonga Robert
  • Aicha Belabbes
  • Aisha Chaudhri
  • AJ Cho
  • Aldita Gallardo
  • Alece Montez
  • Alece Montez, MPA
  • Alejandra Martin
  • Alena Owen
  • Aleta Toure
  • Alex Duran
  • Alex Fay
  • Alex Leites
  • Alex Perez
  • Alexandra Hertell
  • Ali Mann
  • Alice Rothchild, MD
  • Alicia Johnson
  • Alison Conant
  • Alison Garcia
  • Alissa Meleyco
  • Aliyah Salim
  • Allia Hamoud Alrodan
  • Allison Erdneka Budschalow
  • Allistair Mallillin
  • Alma Martinez
  • Alyce Koon
  • Alyssa Lawther
  • Alyssa Wright
  • Amaelle Marchal
  • Amanda Artru
  • Amanda Gigler
  • Amanda Hwu
  • Amanda Tiew
  • Amanda Turner Pohan
  • Amber Bauer
  • Amelie Ratliff
  • Amie Little
  • Amira Turner, Social Impact Consultant
  • Ammar Onnaba
  • Amy Genevieve Kozak
  • Amy Laura Cahn
  • Amy Lorena Baires
  • Amy Mandel
  • Amy Morris
  • Ana Carneiro
  • Analicia Bañales-Feuille
  • Anang Palomar
  • Anastasia Lynge
  • Anastasia Standrik
  • Andrea Hernandez Rodriguez
  • Andrea Lynch
  • Andrea Maria Vazquez Fernandez
  • Andrew Harley
  • Andrew Kang Bartlett
  • Angbeen Saleem
  • Angela Bottum
  • Angela Cheng
  • Angela Kelly, LMHC
  • Angela Waldegg PhD
  • Angelica Valdez
  • Angelika Arutyunova
  • Ann Denton
  • Ann Fleck-Henderson
  • Ann Gary
  • Anna Holzhauer
  • Anna Turley
  • Anne Bloomenthal
  • Anne Macksoud
  • Anonymous
  • Anthony Ng
  • Anuja Mendiratta, Philanthropic + Nonprofit Consulting
  • Aoife Neal
  • Arenza Thigpen, Jr.
  • Ariane Langlois
  • Arianna Taboada
  • Arianna Valera
  • Arianne Shaffer
  • Ariefa Bockarie Kumara
  • Arnold Alhassan Kamara
  • Arwa Jivanjee
  • Ása Richardsdóttir
  • Aseel Shakboua
  • Ashlee Hobbs
  • Ashley O'Brien
  • Athena Youm
  • Audrey Shiffman
  • Augusta Hagen-Dillon
  • Aurora Colindres
  • Autumn Ni
  • Ava Morgenstern
  • Ayana Crawford
  • Ayaz Orme Muratoglu
  • Ayesha Mago
  • Ayiorwoth Gloria
  • Ayman Nijim
  • Ayushi Vig
  • Azadeh khalili
  • B de Gersigny
  • Beatrice Bano
  • Bede Eziefule
  • Belle Alvarez
  • Bent Blindbaek
  • Beth Huang
  • Beth Schlachter
  • Betsey St. Onge
  • Betsy Strausberg
  • Bipasha Ray
  • Bisola Falola
  • Biz Ghormley
  • Bora Yoon
  • Bram Wispelwey
  • Brandi Collins-Calhoun
  • Brandy Lucky
  • Brenda Falk
  • Brenda Salas Neves
  • Brett Davidson
  • Brianna Russell
  • Brianne O'Donoghue
  • Brittany Taylor
  • Brooke Lehman and Gregg Osofsky
  • Brooke Svitak
  • Brooke Williams
  • Bryn Adams
  • Burton Steck
  • Cairo Mendes
  • Caitlin Brune
  • Camila Haddad
  • Candace Crowhurst
  • Candace Kita
  • Cara Binder-Kopchick
  • Cara Gilmore
  • Cara Jordan
  • Carla Fernández-Soto
  • Carolina Alzate
  • Carolina Romero
  • Caroline Abidin
  • Carolyn Fallert
  • Carrie Sepulveda
  • Caryn Blair
  • Caryn Cowin
  • Casey Ernstes
  • Casey Llewellyn
  • Cassandra Howe
  • Cassie Robinson
  • Catalina Hodenfield
  • Catherine Porter
  • Catherine Raphael
  • Cathy Garcia
  • Celine Semaan
  • Chantelle Fisher-Borne
  • Charlene Jones
  • Charles Long
  • Charles Spring
  • Charlotte Casey
  • Charon Asetoyer
  • Chelsea Goding-Doty
  • Chelsea McDaniel
  • Cheryl Qamar, LCSWR
  • Chhandasi Patel
  • Chi-Ante Singletary
  • Chiara K. Cattaneo
  • Chris Allan
  • Chris Newton
  • Chris Olson
  • Chrissy Sa
  • Christa Orth
  • Christelle Assaf
  • Christina Ostmeyer
  • Christine Evans
  • Christine Ramirez
  • Chung-Wha Hong
  • Ciorsdan Brown
  • Claire Downing, Consultant
  • Claire Gilbert
  • Claire King
  • Clara Cowley
  • Clare Woodcraft
  • Claudia Bollwinkel
  • Cleopatra Jach
  • Courtney Banayad
  • Coya White Hat-Artichoker
  • Cristina Lara-Agudelo
  • Cristy Murray
  • Crystal Tsoi
  • Crystal Works
  • Cynda Collins Arsenault
  • Cynthia Beard
  • Daisy Servigna
  • Dana A.Mustafa
  • Dana Arviso
  • Dana Eldorr
  • Dana Francisco Miranda
  • Dana Ngo
  • Danica Lee
  • Daniel Flora
  • Danielle Brewster
  • Danielle Kling
  • Danielle LeBlanc
  • Danielle Miano
  • Danni Marilyn West
  • Danny Chau
  • Danny Gotto
  • Dara Silverman
  • Darrah Hassell
  • Darrien Benally
  • Daryl Denning
  • Davian Gagne
  • David Bequeaith
  • David Gordon
  • David Kenney
  • David László Zinn
  • David Mele
  • David Roswell
  • Dawn Blake Souza
  • Dawn Kitto
  • Deborah E. Bennett
  • Deborah Milkowski
  • Debra Brownfield
  • Debra Taube
  • Debra V Quayle
  • Dee Homans
  • Deirdre Judge
  • Denis Kongere
  • Derek Schwartz
  • Destiny Brown
  • Devi Leiper O'Malley
  • Devon Bussell
  • Diana E. Alonzo Watkins
  • Diana Figueroa Prado
  • Diana Parker-Kafka
  • Diana Samarasan
  • Diana Sands
  • Diane Aranda
  • Diane Jordan Wexler
  • Dioceline Zamudio
  • Dizzy Zaba
  • Dolores Sanchez
  • Dominique Aulisio
  • Dominique-Laura Pierce
  • Dori Braun
  • Dorianna Blitt
  • Doug Perry
  • Dr. Mha Atma S Khalsa
  • Dr. Wanda Colon, Director, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
  • Drew Royster
  • E. Guilu Murphy
  • Ebony Wezt
  • Eddie Torres
  • Eddy Zheng
  • Eileen H
  • Eileen Holowka
  • Eilert L. Rostrup
  • Elaine Granata
  • Elaine M Sullivan
  • Elaine Nonneman
  • Elayne Crow
  • Eleanor F. Friedman
  • Eleanor Friedman
  • Elena Anderson
  • Eli Cloonan
  • Elisa Harrigan
  • Elizabeth Avila
  • Elizabeth Cahill
  • Elizabeth Frantz
  • Elizabeth Levine
  • Ella Baldwin
  • Ella Zimbalist
  • Ellen Abram
  • Ellen Friedman
  • Ellen L. Dohmen
  • Ellis Cohen Curtis
  • Elly Anne
  • Elspeth Gilmore
  • Elyse Gordon
  • Elz Cuya Jones
  • Emily Achtenberg
  • Emily Cabrera
  • Emily Duma
  • Emily Escobar
  • Emily Martin
  • Emira Woods
  • Eren Can Ileri
  • Eric Nalley
  • Eric Segal
  • Erica Flock
  • Erik Schnabel
  • Erika Mandreza Sales
  • Erin Bridges
  • Erin Hohlfelder
  • Erin Shields
  • Erin Simpson
  • Eva Blake
  • Evelina Judeikyte
  • Faisal Alam
  • Faisal Jeber
  • Faith Flanigan
  • Fanta Condé
  • Farah-Naaz Dharamshi
  • Farkhanda Zahoor
  • Fela Thomas
  • Flannery McDonnell
  • Flor Montero
  • Francis Cheung
  • Frankie Jones
  • Funmi Vogt
  • Gabriel Silvano
  • Gabriela Philo
  • Gabriela Toledo
  • Gabrielle Zhuang-Estrin
  • Garrett Blaize
  • Gayathri Bhukya
  • Geerte Wachter
  • George Davis
  • Gerrlyn Gacao
  • Gerry Milliken
  • Gillian Browne
  • Gina Del Castillo
  • Giovana Martinez
  • Giselle Kasim
  • Gislaine Ngounou
  • Gitta Zomorodi
  • Glenn Holt
  • Gloria Rosales Pena
  • Gopal Dayaneni
  • Grace Goldtooth
  • Grant Sunderland
  • Guisela Marroquin
  • H Kaufman
  • Hadiel Holail Mohamed
  • Haines Whitacre
  • Haley Bash
  • Haley Rodgers
  • Halima Mahomed
  • Hallie McClain
  • Hana R.Masud
  • Hana Sun
  • Hanako Moondance
  • Haneen Abu Al Neel
  • Hannah Garcia
  • Hannah Whisler
  • Hans R. Peter
  • Harry Q. Balzack
  • Heather Ramsey
  • Heather White
  • Heatherly Born
  • Hehershe Busuego
  • Heidi Conland
  • Heidi Paredes
  • Helen Raizen
  • Helena Gallant
  • Helena Wong
  • Hélène Bigras-Dutrisac
  • Helene Jagd Lauritzen
  • Herminia Trejo
  • Hilary Grumman
  • Hilda Vega Almendarez
  • Holly Roberson
  • Hubert Murray
  • Iara Lee
  • Ifraax Saciid-Ciise
  • Iimay Ho
  • ilise cohen
  • India Gupta
  • Individual donor
  • Inés Familiar-Miller
  • Iris Brilliant
  • Isabel Crabtree-Condor
  • Isabel Hirama
  • Isabella Oliver
  • Istra Fuhrmann
  • Ivan Rosales
  • J.C. Hampton
  • J.M. Johnson
  • Jack Brickhouse
  • Jackie Lovelace
  • Jackson Koeppel
  • Jacque Irizarry
  • Jamani Ashé
  • James Anderson
  • Jamie Charnock
  • Jamie Elmasu
  • Jan Goossens
  • Jan Harvie-Clark
  • Jana Stardelova
  • Jane Lerner
  • Jane Segal
  • Janosch Sbeih
  • Jaser Alsharhan
  • Jason West
  • Javid Syed
  • Javier Rizo
  • Jazmin Chavez
  • Jean Morrison
  • Jean Hopkins
  • Jeanne Koopman
  • Jeannie Park
  • Jelica Roland
  • Jen Bokoff
  • Jen Orthwein
  • Jenna Capeci
  • Jennie Traschen
  • Jennifer Angarita
  • Jennifer Brannigan
  • Jennifer Ching
  • Jennifer Herrera
  • Jennifer Ladd
  • Jennifer Lentfer
  • Jennifer Near, Philanthropic Advisor
  • Jenny George
  • Jenny Oppenheimer
  • Jeri Howe
  • Jerilyn Tabor
  • Jess Jacobs
  • Jessa Mae McCormack
  • Jessamyn Shams-Lau
  • Jessica Eva Espinoza-Jensen
  • Jessica Hurtado
  • Jessica Salinas
  • Jessyca Dudley
  • Jeuji Diamondstone
  • Jill Winegardner
  • Jillian Lane White
  • Jim Dailey
  • JN
  • Jo Parker
  • Joana Dagge
  • Joanie Ciardelli
  • Joaninne Nanyange
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  • John Roberts
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  • Jonathan Hulland
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  • Jordyn Middlebrooks
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  • Joseph Miller-Gamble
  • Josh Spitzer-Resnick
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  • Josy irizarry
  • Jovanna Garcia Soto
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  • Jp
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  • Keith Martin MD, PC
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  • Kelsey Barowich
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  • Laurel Potter Huerta
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  • Lea Trusty
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  • Lenore Navarro Dowling
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  • Lisa VeneKlasen
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  • Marie Kennedy, Professor Emerita, University of Massachusetts Boston
  • Marilyn Rose Stern
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  • Noha Tarek Hassan
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